That we're sick and tired of sexual harassment being viewed as simply a "notion" on the Fordham Campus?
Turns out Congress feels the same, as Representative Steve King stated, sexual harassment is merely "a terrible concept". Read more here: "Herman Cain's Conservatives Denying Very Existence of Sexual Harassment"
Herman Cain (that slow smiling guy running for office) has turned the realm of sexual harassment into a boxing ring: you're either on his side or hers.
Unfortunately, sexual harassment in this country and many others is a game of victim versus "alleged" innocent-until-proven-guilty-perpetrator.
Who wins? Depends on who you're less sick of seeing every day in the media, who annoys you more to take the time to listen to, who are you less bothered by? Depends on: who you believe more.
If we keep playing this game, how do survivors of sexual violence stand a chance? No wonder 60% of assaults are not reported to the police. Look at the arena one has the face.
Here's what we're saying: Regardless of whether Herman Cain is guilty or innocent, if we grant him the benefit of the doubt not to slander his name, then let's AT LEAST give sexual assault survivors the justice they deserve and not belittle their cause all-together.
Thank you to everyone who came to Take Back the Night. The world may be full of Cain's and Kings, but at least we're fighting back.
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