Thursday, May 19, 2011

Summer Styles: Show Your V!

Is it any surprise that vaginas are totally IN this summer season? No! 
Summer=good, Vaginas=better = Summer=Vagina=Trendy=A DO! 

We give this guy 4 points for irony (a whole 4? well aren't we the generous folk today)

Point 1: He is smirking (universal face signal of snarky teens everywhere)
Point 2: It appears he is in a laundromat (eco & economically friendly!)
Point 3: He is bi-lingual ("viva" es espanol y "vagina" es american)
Point 4: Re-usable tote bag

The judges had some debate: is he a true v-rebel or just a communist in disguise (i.e. the viva, the communal laundromats), but we decided to leave politics aside and grant him the full four anyways.

So if this ironic QT is IN, then what's OUT? Thong-one-piece swimwear! Why? For the simple reason that it looks like that nylon fabric is tuggin' real hard on her coochie snorcher! We v-rebels are anti anything pro-vagina-ouch.

*This has been a message from your fashion correspondent @ vrebels*

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